Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Exercise (Latihan) 3: Verbs

I.3 Verbs (Mengidentifikasi Main Verb)

Simaklah (baca, pahami dan nikmati, kalau perlu boleh buka kamus) dengan cermat paragraf yang saya kutipkan di bawah ini (hanya 1 paragraf), sebagai kelanjutan dari cerpen (cerita pendek) yang telah dikutip pada latihan-latihan sebelumnya.

Coba amati kata-kata (verba-verba) yang digarisbawahi, kemudian jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawahnya dengan cara memilih a, b, c atau d jawaban yang menurut Anda benar.

At the age of twenty-one, Pierre - that was the name he gave the winegrower - had been sent by his father to spend some time with his uncle in Madagascar.(1) Within two weeks he had fallen for a local girl called Faniry, or "Desire" in Malagasy.(2) You could not blame him.(3) At seventeen she was ravishing.(4) In the Malagasy sunlight her skin was golden.(5) Her black, waist-length hair, which hung straight beside her cheeks, framed large, fathomless eyes.(6) It was a genuine coup de foudre, for both of them.(7) Within five months they were married.(8) Faniry had no family, but Pierre's parents came out from France for the wedding, even though they did not strictly approve of it, and for three years the young couple lived very happily on the island of Madagascar.(9) Then, one day, a telegram came from France.(10) Pierre's parents and his only brother had been killed in a car crash.(11) Pierre took the next flight home to attend the funeral and manage the vineyard left by his father.(12)

1.    Dalam kalimat (1), verba-verba berikut ini adalah main verb, “kecuali”:
       a.     was                                         b.    gave
       c.     had been                                 d.    sent
2.    Dalam kalimat (2), verba berikut adalah auxiliary verb:
       a.    had                                           b.    fallen
       b.    called                                       d.    had fallen
3.    Dalam kalimat (3), verba yang termasuk main verb adalah:
       a.    could                                        b.    could not
       c.    blame                                       d.    could not blame
4.    Dalam kalimat (4), verba yang termasuk auxiliary verb adalah:
       a.    was                                           b.    was ravishing
       c.    ravishing                                  d.    ravish
5.    Dalam kalimat (5), kata “was” termasuk:
       a.    auxiliary verb                           b.    helping verb
       c.    modal verb                               d.    linking verb
6.    Dalam kalimat (6), verba yang termasuk transitive verb adalah:
       a.    hung                                         b.    hung straight
       c.    framed                                      d.    framed large
7.    Dalam kalimat (7), verba “was” termasuk:
       a.    action verb                               b.    state verb
       c.    regular verb                              d.    irregular verb
8.    Dalam kalimat (8), verba “married” termasuk:
       a.    linking verb                             b.    state verb
       c.    transitive verb                          d.    intransitive verb
9.    Dalam kalimat (9), verba “had” termasuk:
       a.    auxiliary verb                           b.    modal verb
       c.    regular verb                              d.    irregular verb
10.  Dalam kalimat (10), verba “came” termasuk:
       a.    linking verb                             b.   transitive verb
       c.    intransitive verb                       d.   modal verb
11.  Dalam kalimat (11), verba apa yang termasuk main verb?
       a.    had                                          b.    been
       c.    had been                                  d.    killed
12.  Dalam kalimat (12), verba apa saja yang termasuk irregular verb?
       a.    took dan attend                        b.    took dan manage
       c.    took dan left                             d.    took, attend dan manage

Selamat mengerjakan!
Pada pertemuan berikutnya saya akan memberikan kunci jawabannya.
Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.
Kalau ada pertanyaan, saran atau pendapat, silakan tulis di kolom Komentar di bawah ini.

2 komentar:

  1. thank you sir Hamit
    This could be for the material to me in learning vocabulary
